Downloads, Installation Instructions & Warranties
Pool Nation USA does not perform any swimming pool (or other equipment) installations. We do not employ any installers and do not have contractor contacts for referrals. The customer is responsible for the installation and operation of any pool kits or equipment purchased.
Below are some helpful guides and downloads from our pool manufacturers. Complete instruction manuals are included in the swimming pool boxes upon delivery along with any warranty registration info.

Asahi / Mighty Sun Swimming Pools
Steel 6" Frame Pools:
Round Installation, Oval Installation, 6" Frame Assembly, Warranty
Freedom Resin Frame Pools:
Round Installation, Oval Installation, Freedom Frame Assembly, Warranty
Battleship Extra Duty Steel 8" Frame Pools:
Round Installation, Oval Installation, Battleship Frame Assembly, Battleship Parts List, Warranty
Hybrid 8" Frame Pools:
Round Installation, 8" Frame Assembly, Warranty
Mirage Resin Frame Pools:
Round Installation, Oval Installation, Mirage Frame Assembly, Warranty
Tradewinds Resin Frame Pools:
Round Installation, Tradewind Frame Assembly, Warranty
Jumbo 10" Resin Frame Pools:
Round Installation, Oval Installation, 10" Frame Assembly, Manufacturer's Parts List, Parts Detail Sheets, Warranty

Wilbar / Backyard Leisure Swimming Pools
RTR Hybrid Frame Pools:
Round Installation, Oval Installation, Warranty, Semi-inground Installation
Note: This is the Reprieve model on the DVD that comes with the swimming pool. Also, written instructions are incorrect for the assembly of the top seats. Please disregard the section referring to 1" screws with washers. Pool is supplied with the correct 1/2" screws needed to properly complete the installation.

Aquasports Aluminum Panel Saltwater Semi Inground Pools

Hollowell Industries Incorporated H.I.I. Swimming Pools
H.I.I. Liner Installation Tips & Tricks
Coastal 5 1/2" Steel:
Round Installation, Oval Installation, Below-Grade Installation, Compac Strap Assembly, Warranty
Coral Sea 7" Steel:
Round Installation, Oval Installation, Below-Grade Installation, Compac Strap Assembly, Warranty
Sea Shore 7" Hybrid:
Round Installation, Oval Installation, Below-Grade Installation, Compac Strap Assembly, 8' x 12' Oval Specific Instructions, 10' x 15' Oval Specific Instructions, Warranty
Silver Interlude 8" Hybrid/Resin:
Round Installation, Oval Installation, Below-Grade Installation, Compac Strap Assembly, In-Wall Step Installation, Warranty
Silver Interlude 8" Premium Resin Saltwater Friendly:
Round Installation, Oval Installation, Below-Grade Installation, Compac Strap Assembly, In-Wall Step Installation, Warranty

Lomart Swimming Pools
Tropical Springs:
Grey Mist:
Round Installation, Oval Installation, Compact Oval Supplement, Warranty
Ocean Sea:
Oval Installation, Compac Strap Asssembly, Warranty
Whispering Wind:
Round Installation, Oval Installation, Below-Grade Installation, In-Wall Step Installation, Warranty