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Affinity Green Free (2 lb)

SKU: 85005223012
Regular price $29.99
Regular price Sale price $29.99
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  • When Applied Before an EPA Registered Chlorinating Product That Kills Mustard and Green Algae
  • Sweeps Away Dead Algae
  • Incredible Clear Performance


Directions For Use:

    GREEN FREE™ will turn ugly pool water back into inviting crystal-clear blue pool water in as little as 24 hours when applied BEFORE adding an EPA Registered chlorinating product that kills mustard and green algae.


    Balance water to a pH of 7.8 or higher alkalinity to 80 – 120 ppm; cyanuric acid to 30 – 75 ppm; available chlorine to 2.0 – 3.0 ppm.

    BRUSH POOL WELL before applying GREEN FREE™.


    1. With the circulation system operating, pour 2.0 lbs. of GREEN FREE™ per 15,000 gallons of pool water directly into the pool.
      Pour half of the correct dosage around the edge of the pool and the remainder into areas exhibiting the heaviest algae growth. Do not exceed the recommended dosage amount.
    2. AFTER 5 FULL MINUTES, add 2 lbs. or equivalent of an EPA Registered chlorine shock directly to the pool following that product’s use directions.
    3. OPERATE FILTRATION SYSTEM continuously for the next 24 hours using the main drain if possible.

    Add additional chlorine as in Step 2 after 12 and 24 hours.

    1. RETURN equipment and water balance to normal operation after clean up.